Thursday, July 16, 2009

Understanding the Times and Defending the Faith by Meredith Curtis

Are your teens ready to enter the workplace or college and not be seduced by undermining "vain philosophies"? Meredith will present a way to pass the baton of faith in Jesus to the next generation by establishing the necessary evidence for our faith. She will give vital keys to teaching our teens the relevance of God's Word in politics, economics, science, philosophy, government, religion, and history, shaping their worldview to confront unbiblical views (humanism, socialism, post-modernism, and New Age) which presently face our world today. Our children can be world-changers!

This workshop will be presented during Session 2 at 11:15 AM.

1 comment:

  1. Leah Brooks
    Understanding the Time
    Design Your Own Curriculum
